Party Statements

LPO Executive Committee Endorsement and Support of Ohio SB 346 ( Repeal HB 6 of 133rd GA and revive prior law)

WHEREAS, Ohio GA133 HB6 (Creates Ohio Clean Air Program) was passed and went into effect in Fall of 2019. ALSO WHEREAS, HB6 burdens Ohio ratepayers to subsidize a bailout of FirstEnergy of approximately $1 billion over the course of 6 years. ALSO WHEREAS, FirstEnergy used corporate money to bribe Ohio officials to ensure the passage […]

LPO Executive Committee Endorsement and Support of Ohio SB 346 ( Repeal HB 6 of 133rd GA and revive prior law) Read More ยป

LPO Executive Committee Endorsement of Robert Leist

WHEREAS, Larry Householder was running unopposed in the Ohio 72nd. ALSO WHEREAS, Larry Householder is under investigation as the primary focus of a bribery scandal surrounding Ohio House Bill 6 (Creates Ohio Clean Air Program) and the associated First Energy Bailout. ALSO WHEREAS, Libertarian Robert Leist launched a write in campaign in August of 2020.

LPO Executive Committee Endorsement of Robert Leist

Resolution Reaffirming Commitment to Equal Treatment

WHEREAS, fair and equal treatment, respect, and comfort are vital to any successful team and working environment, and WHEREAS, the importance of each individual to feel safe, respected, and empowered while working and volunteering for, or communicating with the Libertarian Party remains essential to achieve our goals, and WHEREAS, the Libertarian Party of Ohio strives

Resolution Reaffirming Commitment to Equal Treatment

Resolution Censuring Harold Thomas

WHEREAS Charges of sexual harassment have been brought against Harold Thomas under LPO Bylaw 315 and; WHEREAS The appropriate due process considerations required by Bylaw 315 have been given and; WHEREAS the Libertarian Party of Ohio strives to create a welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, race, sexual identity or preference; THEREFORE BE IT

Resolution Censuring Harold Thomas

Resolution to Reinforce the LPO’s Commitment to our Principles and Inclusiveness Policy

WHEREAS Fair and equal treatment, respect, and comfort are vital to any successful team and working environment and the importance of each individual to feel safe AND WHEREAS in working, volunteering, or communicating with the Libertarian Party of Ohio, we strive for the utmost in these areas for our elected members, staff, and affiliates THEREFORE

Resolution to Reinforce the LPO’s Commitment to our Principles and Inclusiveness Policy Read More ยป

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