
Resolution Endorsing Dustin Nanna for Region 3 Representative to the LNC

WHEREAS, Dustin Nanna has served as the Region 3 Alternate for 2 ½ terms.

ALSO WHEREAS, Region 3 traditionally votes the Alternate to the main Representative after 1 term.

ALSO WHEREAS, Ohio, being the largest delegation in Region 3 should have a larger representation on the LNC.

THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, The Libertarian Party of Ohio asks and recommends Dustin Nanna to run for Region 3 Representative to the LNC

THEREFORE IT BE ALSO RESOLVED, that the Libertarian Party of Ohio endorses Dustin Nanna for Region 3 Representative to the LNC

Note: This motion introduced and passed at the Executive Committee meeting of the Libertarian Party of Ohio on March 7, 2020

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